With SKOS, you manage concepts that have different kinds of labels, and each label might have a language associated with it. 利用SKOS,管理具有不同类型标签的概念,每个标签都可能有一个语言与其相关联。
XML also has tags, such as lang, to label certain fields to indicate language settings for the linguistically meaningful information, such as descriptions. XML也有一些标记,如lang,用于标示某些字段,以表明语言上有意义的信息(如描述)的语言设置。
The most important label is the preferred label, and SKOS allows each concept to have only one of these in each language. 最重要的标签是首选标签,SKOS允许每个概念仅具有这些语言之一。
There could be several variations to support-frequency of changes to label information, number of words, language, data formatting, mixture of static and dynamic messages that make up a label, etc. 可能的几个需要支持的变化是:标签信息改变的频率,文字数量,语言,数据格式,组成标签的静态信息和动态信息等。
Let the product label, leads shows the index plate, the lampbox, becomes the construction the language mark. 让标牌,导示指示牌,灯箱,成为建筑的语言符号。
On the basis of large scale label corpus, the research faithfully reflects the panorama of the modern Chinese language phenomena. 在大规模标注语料库的基础上进行研究,可以如实反映现代汉语语言现象全貌。
Language is no longer just a way for communication but a label on each person. Lastly, language education plays an important role in the globalization and there is close relationship between language policy and language education. 语言不仅仅只是交流的途径,它已经成为每个人身上的标签;最后,语言教育在当今全球化的过程中起着举足轻重的作用,而同时,语言政策与语言教育密不可分。